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VoIP Telephones and Products For Business

VoIP Telephones and Products For Business

Auto Dialer Software with 2 VoIP phone lines and 6 messages delivery tool for sales,
marketing, customer service, event notification, appointment reminder, and more...

  • Make Unlimited Automated VOIP Calls

  • Introduction Message With 6 Additional Messages

  • Double Your Results By Using 2 VOIP Accounts

  • Support For 2 Simultaneous VOIP Accounts

  • Record Save And Deliver Your Message

  • Schedule Start/Stop Time For Your Broadcast

  • Visual Realtime Monitoring Of Call Activity

  • Instant Live Transfer

  • Sends Email Notices When Consumer Leaves A Message

  • Opt Out And Disconnected Number Notation

  • FREE - Trial VOIP Account Included - FREE

free download Auto Dialer Software

VoIP Telephones and Products For Business

Voice over IP Telephony is revolutionizing how office communications take place. Originally all phone calls worldwide, mobile or landline were routed through what is known as the PSTN or Public Switched Telephone Network - the mobile method is configured via GSM traditionally whereas the landline system runs via an international legacy copper wire cabling network. The PSTN is described as :A domestic telecommunications network usually accessed by telephones, key telephone systems, private branch exchange trunks, and data arrangements. Note: Completion with the circuit between the call originator and call receiver inside a PSTN requires network signaling in the form of dial pulses or multifrequency tones.
A giant leap because of this traditional communications loop may be IP telephony - variously called , Internet telephony, voice over broadband (VoBB), broadband telephony, and broadband phone and a lot commonly perhaps, VoIP Telephony. The idea came from the early seventies when the idea of Protocol for Packet Network Interconnection was initially put forward from the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE). Since then, naturally, the world population has seen massive advances in speed of information transfer with an almost 100percent penetration of broadband into homes and businesses in our day.
This accessibility to high speed data transfer useage has made the potential for SIP and VoIP protocols being integrated straight into both home and office environments.
Initially the uptake was slow. Skype brought the theory to the masses inside their homes and may be seen to get, single handedly, changed the conception of VoIP messages or calls. People around the globe realised they could enjoy high quality phone calls for free utilising only their broadband connection.
For businesses the matter was better complex. There is the problem of the high bandwidth that voice packets occupy and the fact also that for a professional organisation it's imperative to get high quality and stable lines of communication.
These issues have, to a large extent, been resolved, with modern VoIP installations requiring a passionate broadband line and improvements in SIP protocols.
Nowadays it's an extremely viable alternative for any company to migrate their VoIP Telephone System through the PSTN and possess either a hosted IP platform - whereby there's a virtual VoIP Telephone System or get their own IP PABX System. One of the benefits of this migration to VoIP may be the scalability and usability from the new systems - it's extremely an easy task to add new extensions and routing loops to your VoIP Telephone System without additional cost. Therefore, although a company will have a basic capital outlay in purchasing the new system and hardware, you can find massive saving altogether cost of ownership being a system will normally pay for itself in call and management savings within a few years.
Once you've got installed you VoIP system and configured every one of the extensions and routing channels there could be the necessity to take into consideration the most suitable hardware for the environment. We researched some alternatives and discovered that Best4IP have a very good range of VoIP Phones available such as IP Conferencing Phones, IP System Phones and IP headsets to use with either direct with the Internet or with a VoIP/ SIPP switchboard.
This new communications network, though rolling around in its infancy, has already been extremely sophisticated - we can easily only wait to view what the future holds.

