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Hosted vs On-Site VoIP? Make Your Choice! - San Francisco Information Technology

Hosted vs On-Site VoIP? Make Your Choice! - San Francisco Information Technology

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Hosted vs On-Site VoIP? Make Your Choice! - San Francisco Information Technology

Now you have decided that VoIP is a practicable alternative to a regular phone system for the business, you've one more important decision to create: hosted VoIP or on-site VoIP. What's the difference? Here's a quick rundown on hosted versus on-site VoIP.
First, consider the two options:
While both on-site and hosted VoIP offer numerous advantages over traditional phone systems, it isn't always a fairly easy choice between on-site and hosted VoIP. What's befitting for one business might be wrong for an additional. Therefore, it is critical to understand the benefits of each prior to you making a final decision concerning what's befitting you.
Hosted VoIP includes a few advantages you will want to consider. For example, the total cost of ownership is very low because there's no equipment (apart from the phones) to get or maintain. The upfront charges are minimal, and you'll pay the lowest monthly fee (typically on a per user basis). Hosted VoIP can be highly scalable. If you add an employee -- or perhaps a large team of seasonal employees -- you will soon add new users. The same is true when employees leave; you will soon remove users.
On-site VoIP includes a higher upfront cost as you will need an on-site server. However, once that's cared for, you may not be subject to monthly fees or per user fees. If you've got a small business and expect it to be relatively small over time, a hosted solution could possibly be the more affordable choice. On the other hand, if you've a larger or growing business, it could possibly be more cost-effective to match an on-site VoIP system.
What if you have an existing phone system? In many cases, you are able to integrate a legacy phone system with either on-site or hosted VoIP. According to AskIdeaCom.com, "IP Trunking not simply takes advantage of your legacy telephone system but also brings powerful and reliable features, tremendous cost benefits and more treating your existing telecommunications services." Converting a legacy phone system to VoIP is tricky (you may want to invest in telephony interface cards, as an example), nonetheless it could pay off in the long run.
Which options best for you? On-site VoIP or hosted VoIP? Work with a qualified VoIP services provider to make the best choice for the business.

