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What Are the Differences Between VoIP and Digital Telephone Systems?

What Are the Differences Between VoIP and Digital Telephone Systems?

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What Are the Differences Between VoIP and Digital Telephone Systems?

OK, so that your company is moving, adding staff, or possibly had some kind of natural event for instance a lightening strike, that has affected your telephone system. It's old. It's produced by a company that's not even in business anymore like Nortel, Comdial, or you-can-insert-name-here xyz company. You've got word of VoIP and think it may be able to help you save some money or atart exercising . functionality, but are not sure where you can look to obtain a system or what it really can even go about doing for you. I think I can help. I've been within this business for over ten years, yet I have been around telecom for my entire life. I would love you to purchase something from me, that is not the idea here. Hey, you're looking over this article and I don't know who you are! Or what your location is! This is completely anonymous and you will benefit from an educated guy without giving me one red cent! Yeah for you!!
First, let me bring you in using one real big secret inside the industry- VoIP is mostly not less than traditional telephone systems. There, I stated it. It's available. I feel better, right? So here may be the deal with cost benefits and VoIP. It can save come businesses money. But you will find MANY variables involved with how it does and even more nuances in the way it is implemented. If a business has multiple locations, all using standalone traditional telephone systems, managed separately and utilizing either copper trunks or T-1/ PRI plus there is a definite savings available by moving with a networked solution and centralizing the trunks either onto fewer T-1/ PRI or SIP trunks. This will be the main savings in VoIP. On the other end in the spectrum, you can find very small companies, maybe with 10 or fewer telephone handsets, that can realize a financial savings by moving to some hosted solution and then there is no telephone system onsite and so they pay precisely what is essentially a rental per telephone. This can cut costs as well. So, why you ask, would any company not meeting these criteria move with a VoIP system? The email address particulars are twofold- first, because all reputable manufacturers are moving this direction and only making VoIP systems. Second, is because you will find additional features available on VoIP a traditional digital system can't offer.
So my second point is the fact that most telecom manufacturers have jumped entirely bore and therefore are only making VoIP systems. Even companies such as AVAYA who still make digital telephones have been making VoIP systems and then adding cards to allow digital. We should talk more about that- lets celebration again at another some time and I would like to discuss using digital sets on a VoIP system to save money. But that's another time another article. OK, so like I was saying, the very best three manufacturers inside the world are VoIP now- Cisco, AVAYA, and ShoreTel. Even the little guys all offer pure VoIP systems for example Mitel, NEC, and Samsung. So the truth may be the makers of the equipment are driving the transition. Basically, they could make less product, instead focusing on software, but still charge you exactly the same money. Or maybe less for your hardware, however they are selling software for additional cash. Either way, they are doing a lot better than before!
Third, with VoIP, there are additional features that digital cannot offer, at most famously not elegantly or simply. Connecting locations can be a prime example. Previously, the main way of achieving this was with point out point T-1, Tie lines, or any other cumbersome avenues. Now, we can still use MPLS, SIP, public internet, or many other ways. So our options better and cheaper. Another feature is management. No more command lines or difficult interfaces, the current VoIP system is really a nice GUI which is easy to use, understand, and simply designed. One of the best VoIP features may be the options for mobility. I have my mobile phone tied to my desk telephone therefore I am not within my office, I still take calls just as if I were, even being in a position to transfer that call to my assistant. There are many more features, however you get the idea.
So basically, it depends on you. If you have an application for VoIP, it may not be cheaper per-se, nevertheless the added efficiency and productivity that it may offer will easily offset any extra "cost" that's associated at implementation. Or at least prefer a new telephone system, the options are severely limited if you do not consider VoIP, so you may also look into it!
Now the sales page! If you are inside Tampa, Sarasota, Naples, St. Pete, Austin or San Antonio areas, supply a shout, let's talk! Our website is where you can learn much more about what we all do and some of the products obtainable in today's marketplace.

